Monday, June 9, 2008

Learning SAP R/3

This morning, just after wake up from a nice sleep, I read the book that I had downloaded yesterday. This book is about SAP. One thing that was coming from my mind just before I read the book is what actually R/3 stands for. After reading this book (only chapter), R originally stands for Real time which means that every changes on one module will update all of the affected modules in SAP.

Regarding SAP's module, SAP contains a lot of modules (I dont want to mention it as it is too many) such as FI (this stands for Financial Accounting, and it contains several modules... ) and HR. errmm quite a lot but unlucky me i can not see it directly the SAP modules. It makes me a bit difficult to learn by myself.

Regarding SAP R/3, This application consists of 3 layer, which is Presentation layer, middle layer and basis layer. Middle layer actually, is the core of SAP. why? because kernel is located at that layer. Besides, additional functionalities which we can create it using ABAP, is located in the same layer as kernel. The book says that all of the thing we can do in this layer. we can provide many functionalities created using ABAP. Errrmm, I think this is the most interesting point on SAP currently (at least for me).

Another interesting point on SAP is its capability to integrate with other external applications. This application provides a way to integrate with many application developed using many languages, such as Java (this is a must), C, VB etc. From now, I seem to focus on learning this application. I hope there will be a lot of people or resource that I can get to learn this tool.


Anonymous said...

Hey my man. Finally, you have a blog, huh. Huehehe....


Arie said...

hi man...

so long no see you....

yep... ive just created this blog even somehow i feel so lazy to post.