Monday, July 6, 2009

Releasing plugin using maven

I was having difficulties on how to release plugin in maven since this is the first time I develop plugin for open source. A new knowledge for me indeed. My plugin which is about RPC using JSON in Confluence, now has been released. You can have a look at the following page:

I hope that many feedback from Confluence users to this plugin.

Anyway, back to the topic. Releasing the plugin is a bit complicated work for beginner. First thing that you need to do is to configure your pom.xml so that it points to the right repos. The configuration that you need to aware of is distributionManagement. DistributionManagement will have a link to servers' configuration in settings.xml. The following pages may be better to explain more on distribution tag:

Just to sum up the 2 links above. The distributionManagement tag defines what server to be used as a remote repository (this configuration is defined in pom.xml) and servers tag specifies the credentials or anything so that maven can write and install plugin in the remote repository.

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