Monday, November 16, 2009

Building and Running shindig source

I ve just tried to build the source of Shindig and running it on eclipse. Yes, as what most people expected, there will be problem face during this process.

First time I was experiencing the problem of not able to build the source of shindig. I saw the log of the process, it fails on the test code. Thus, I just skipped it and running the maven command mvn is success.

The problem is not stopped on this, if you try to run it on jetty using the following command (as what the doco said)

mvn clean install jetty:run -DrunType=full -Djetty.port=80

It will complain as in the following:

[INFO] The plugin 'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-jetty-plugin' does not exist o r no valid version could be found
Thus, you need to run a complete maven command as in the following

mvn clean install org.mortbay.jetty:maven-jetty-plugin:6.0.1:run -DrunType=full -Djetty.port=8091

Even more, it will complain on the non-availability of the webapp directory as in the following:

[INFO] web.xml does not exist at location F:\software\shindig\src\main\webapp\WE B-INF\web.xml
Therefore, you need to run it on /java/server. Run the above complete maven command, you should get your jetty running the shindig. You can access the sample of shindig using the address:


You should see the following image on your browser.

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